
Department of France

 flag6.gifflag_pow.gifanimated French flag
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Welcome to

The American Legion

Department of France


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The American Legion Department of France was chartered in February 1920, and except for six years during World War II has been in continuous operation. The Department of France has 32 Post throughout countries Belgium, China, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and Thailand.

When you have time please visit

The Department of France Facebook page

If you know a veteran or veteran's family member who needs help, please have that person contact one of the following:
Department of France Commander - Dennis Owens - dfrcdrowens@gmail.com
Department of France Adjutant - John Fleming - departmentadjutant@gmail.com
Department of France Veteran's Service Officer - Frank Phillips - francis.phillips2@va.gov
Department Webmaster - Doug Haggan - dhaggan@sbcglobal.net
Also visit the The American Legion Headquarters website for daily Veteran News Updates, and follow
The American Legion on Facebook page
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     Site Administrator: Doug Haggan, GR05
Please send me your updates, comments and suggestions to dhaggan@sbcglobal.net
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