
Department of France


 Service Officer Code of Procedures

Service Officer Code of Procedure


Revised November 2022ii

One of the most important responsibilities of an accredited representative of The American Legion (TAL) is to ensure that veterans and family members (“claimants”) receive Due Process under the laws and regulations of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Once an Appointment of a Veterans Service Organization as Claimant’s Representative (commonly referred to as “Power of Attorney” or VA Form 21-22) has been completed by both the claimant and TAL, TAL assumes a legal obligation to assist claimants in the development and submission of evidence and claims to the VA.

To fulfill this obligation, TAL representatives must have a thorough understanding of:

  • When and how TAL becomes the representative of a claimant
  • What TAL will and will not do for a veteran
  • When and how TAL representation ends
  • TAL’s training and litigation partnership with the law firm Bergmann & Moore, LLC