Per Commander Fuller the Aug, Sept & Oct meetings will go as planned on the 4th Wed/16:30 hrs at the Eagles Landing Club on Lakenheath. We’ll have a combined Nov/Dec meeting on Wed, 2 Dec at the Eagles Landing. Post elections will be held during the Sept meeting. More information on that as we move closer to Sept.
Two big events on the calendar. National POW/MIA Day is on Fri, 18 Sept. More details to come but the working plan is participating in a base retreat ceremony on RAF Lakenheath at 16:30 hrs. Number 2 - the Post will participate in the Veterans Day event at Madingley American Ceremony/Cambridge on Wed, 11 Nov, 11:00 hrs. All Post members are welcome to attend either event. Of course the wild card here is how COVID-19 plays out as we run towards the end of year. Your Post leadership team will do our best to keep you up to speed.
Post Commander-David Fuller
Post Adjutant-Tim Litherland